Boyz Unstoppable

By Liz Mweru

Boys and men can often seem to have everything under control, believed to be all-macho, and the aggressive gender. This assumption has led us to ignore the needs of men and boys as well as undermine the challenges they encounter as majority of intervention programmes prioritise the girl-child.

Fortunately, the #BoyzUnstoppable campaign under the Contento Boyz Programme (CBOYZ) is designed to bring the issues affecting our brothers, uncles, fathers, and spouses to the forefront of everyday discussions. This is intended to stir interest in the world of boys and men considering that for us to realise any real change, there must be a balanced representation of both genders and the challenges men and boys face require as much attention and urgency to foster holistic community development.

The campaign will run from October 2020 to march 2021. We will explore several themes and publish articles on the daily struggles of the boy-child, his amazing potential, plus celebrate the significant contributions of boys and men everywhere.

During the COVID pandemic, increased cases of domestic violence have been reported with girls, boys and women suffering most at the hands of boys and men. The strategy to portray these boys and men as innately violent while finding ways to “save” their victims is not effective as these victims remain in the same spaces and communities with them. It may be much better to tackle gender based violence by involving the men and considering the underlying factors leading to certain harmful behaviours.

Some of the challenges boys and men need help addressing to enable them be their best selves while making their contribution to the world around them, include:

  1. Mental Health, Depression, & Anxiety
  2. Stigma & Biased Cultural Stereotypes
  3. Suicidal Tendencies & Trauma
  4. Employment & Education
  5. Substance Abuse
  6. Sexual & Reproductive Health Aspects
  7. Low or absent counselling for social, emotional, & psychological development
  8. Violence & Bullying (from fellow boys, men, girls, and women, strangers, friends, & family)

We help the girls and women when we help the boys and men as society can’t survive nor thrive on the prioritisation of a single gender. By continuing to turn a deaf ear to the challenges of the boy-child, we unknowingly fuel the fires of future problems that manifest themselves in various forms including self-harm, violence, and crime.

If you or someone you know would like to share a personal story or know of an organisation championing the rights, inclusiveness, and dignity of boys and men, please write to us via or chat via WhatsApp on +256-774710569.

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